This one is a hillarious show from the makers of "Arrested Development", and it has a similar feel to it.
The whole show is situated at a imaginary mega corporation called "Veridian Entreprises" where all workers are like numbers, and the only concern is the bottom line. Mmm.. isn't that always the case?
Ted is the boss of R&D in that corporation , and being a good guy, he tries to juggle raising a daughter, keeping the workers happy, and trying to find love all at the same time.
with it's colorful cast of off-the-wall characters such as lem and phil, the crazed scientists, Linda the pretty girl who works under Ted and wants to be more then just his employee, and Last but definitely not least, Veronica, the robotic, crazy and fierce boss of all of them (Ted included) - this show has something to offer for everyone.
Each episode something crazy happens and somehow, by the end of the episode all is right and fine in the world. But in the most crazy funny way.
Again, don't take my word for it. Watch it. It's full of laugh and charm.