Community is a comedy series that revolves around a group of students at a fictional community college. Each of them reached there for his/her own reasons and their unofficial leader is Jeff, who used to be a lawyer until his license to practice was revoked.
They start off as a spanish study group but slowly become a group of friends. Their zany and weird nature is cause for some really funny situations and mishaps.
The writers of this show made it fresh and the comic premise seems to be unending. Casting Chevy Chase as the eldest member of the group (yet not the smartest) was a stroke of genius. He's painfully trying to be cool and fit in and get everyone to like him, but he's like a broken toy that does all the wrong things. It may sound sad, but it can get you laughing till you pee.
Aside from him, all the other cast members are pretty much unknown, yet they pull their part quite nicely. Especially Daniel Pudi who turns out to be a very gifted comedian with a rich body language and a pinch for peculiar serious faces.
All in all, it's a new sitcom with a fresh approach that totally grows on you. Its clean humor is a nice touch as well. I recommend it!